Monday, December 2, 2013

I Am Taking Away Your Sound. (9)

Over the past few weeks my Digital Media teacher has given the class a project. The project is very simple, we have to recreate the sound in the film, but we cannot use the original sound. She dumped the sound out of two scenes from movie scenes. One scene was form Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and the other was from Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Because of my hatred for Lord of the Rings it was an obvious choice. Here is the original scene.

After just a week this is what I have.

I know it is not done, but give three days to a week and i think it will be done. Truly I had no idea how important sound was to a film. I realize now that I do not take sound for nothing anymore. It is vital to a film. People can only look at one thing at a time, but can hear up to four or five things at once. I made all of these sounds by the way. I did not get anything off of youtube. Except the song, everything else was made by me. Sound is important to life only because we can interpret it. We cannot interpret pictures without a description. With a movie, the description is the sound. I made this video using Garage Band on my laptop at home and the Macs at school. Trust me when I say this the final product will be great.

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