Tuesday, December 31, 2013


With the old year leaving, I thought it would be good to get one last post in 2013. This year has been a great year and it is time for the year review.

January: Nothing really happened in January, one of my dull months of the year. It is sad to say though because I had a great year and it did not start of well.

February: This is where my year starts going well. My family and I went on a weekend trip to the lovely Mt. Sunapee, in New Hampshire. I got a nice picture of the lake from the top of the mountain.

I believe the height of the mountain was 2,726 feet above see level. It was a nice change form my normal Nashoba Valley Ski Area.

March:  Ah March, the weather getting warmer, spring around the corner. And yet, my great accomplishment of the month was sitting inside and doing nothing. (I promise it gets better, in the summer and fall months.)

April: April was full of joy and sadness. We know of the Marathon bombings. But on the bright side, I learned how change the oil in my car. 

May: One of my favorite months, not to hot, yet not to cold. I went to prom. 

The band had its spring concert.
Just before we went on to perform,we were goofing off. This was the concert where we played one of my favorite pieces, An American Elegy. It was so beautiful. 

With the warmer weather came a warmer me.

June: A lot happened in June. I got a job at a radio station.

There I learned how to, edit clips from the air. And the best thing I learned, was how to produce a radio show, trust me when I say this, it is hard. You have to do a million different things at once.
Also in June came an exciting moment in my life. My first Red Sox game in the USA.

I was in the audience of one of my favorite game shows. And I nearly got called to play a game. I even got a game tag.

July: A few days after the Price is right I went to my second Red Sox game. This time with my family. You see my mother bought tickets to go from her alma mater.

They won that game. It was great. We had great seats, the weather held up. It was a nice night.
A few weeks after the fourth, my friend and I took a day and went to the beach. Boy was it hot out. It was so hot I needed extra coverage.

July quickly turned into August and summer was almost over.

August: The month I most look forward to. You see every year for the past ten years, my family and I have gone to a little dude ranch in upstate New York. The place is called Thousand (1000) Acres.  We have been going with the same people for ten years. They are like a second family I get to see. One week a year. I love going to this place. Although, everybody who goes this week has said, "It is not the place, it is the people. " It truly is the people, we all have a special bond. 

September: Crunch time for the Red Sox and a big birthday for myself. I turned eighteen, nineteen days into the month. And what a way to celebrate it. I got some scratch tickets and won $50. Haven't won since. but whatever.  Senior year was under way and the marching band had commenced. That is what I lived for. Friday nights going to football games, having fun with the band. I have no ides what I will do next year if I go to a school without a football team. It will just be emptiness. This has been apart of my life for four years. I didn't want it to end. But sadly all good things must come to an end.

October: This month brought a second place band back to Lowell High. For the first time in school history, the band came in second place at Nesba Finals. We had a great show. It was a great season, and I will not forget this ever. This was the month as well where I became an anchor on the Red raider Report. That was a fun experience and that is what I hope to be doing some day. Reading the news. Being on the radio or tv.

November: Not much happened in November. Thanksgiving, that's about it.

December: The year is ending and the best news came. (Look at my last blog post.) That is right I got a part in the school musical. I am Edna Turnblad in Hairspray. I also had my last winter concert at the high school. It is sad but closure is a part of life.

The year has come to an end I am proud of what happened this past year. All of those choices that I made have all been good and they all had a positive impact on me. 2013 has been good to me and good to us. We are still alive. But as 2014 approaches and when we wake up tomorrow. We won't feel different. We will still be the same people. I will still be Andrew Clark. A new year doesn't mean a new life, it means a new beginning. 

Have a Happy New Year Everybody!

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