Saturday, June 14, 2014

Season Eight Friends?

Recently I picked up a copy of The Big Bang Theory and Philosophy at the local Barnes and Nobel.  Any one who watches the show on a regular basis knows the characters by heart. The group of six includes, Sheldon, Leonard, Penny, Howard Amy, Raj, and Bernadette.
One of the first ideas talked about is the idea of friendship. Aristotle once said, "Without friends, no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods." We as humans choose to have friends to benefit our lives and the lives of the other party. Aristotle also said that there are three types of friendship, "the first is for pleasure, the second is for utility and the third is perfect friendship." While reading this book the second type of friendship really got my attention. Any avid fan of the show would know that Leonard and Sheldon are roommates. At first the friendship is a utility one has Leonard is looking for a roommate and Sheldon cannot pay the rent on his own. We also know that Leonard is Sheldon's ride to...well everywhere. What struck me the most in the book so far is that once an intended practical benefit ceases so does the friendship. Which raises the question will Leonard and Sheldon still be friends at the start of season eight? Any viewer knows that at the end of season seven, Leonard and Penny became engaged, and this action upset Sheldon. We know that Leonard and Penny are thinking of living together but that would disrupt the utility friendship that the Sheldon and Leonard have. Leaving to the question are Sheldon Leonard still going to be friends? If and only if Leonard does move out with Sheldon and in with penny, then on a utility level, no. Sheldon is on the brink of losing his closest friend all because of some ring. More so the idea of friendship is that both parties benefit in some way. (That is for all three types of friendship.) With the utility friendship becoming closer to ending then ever before, one of televisions greatest friendships could be over. No wonder Sheldon needed to escape and let his mind wander, he is worried about losing his friend and that upsets him. So will the world see a friendship end, that all depends on Leonard, does he want to be happy and live with his fiancé, or is he wiling to lose her, to stay friends with Sheldon?

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