Saturday, November 23, 2013

Spontaneity (8)

Spontaneity: The state of being spontaneous.

On Friday November 22, 2013 the Lowell High School Band held their traditional movie night to close out the marching band season. The selection of the movie was Monsters University. Movie started around 4:30 pm and it was one of the funniest movies PIXAR has made in a while. I am telling you it was fantastic. the movie ended around eight-ish. (With a stop for food in the middle.) But that is not the story here. The real story comes with the spontaneous action that happened after the movie. Some of the seniors in the band (myself included) decided to go see a movie at the Showcase theater in Lowell. We elected to see Bad Grandpa.

This was a hysterical movie, in that Johnny Knoxville was a pure comedic genius. His pranks he pulled on the public were just outrageous. I could not stop laughing. The movie was fantastic. I guess the moral of the story is do not worry about what is going on in the now. Just go with an idea and run away with it. Being spontaneous can be absolutely fun with no regrets. If you act in the now and you are having a good time. The future won't matter. There will be no regrets about the past. I left that theater felling better than I had in weeks. All because of the spontaneous act I made to just live. It was worth the $11.25 to go see. I have now figured out I need to be a little more spontaneous with my life and I will not regret it.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Are You Lost? (7)

On this night. On this night. On this very cold night, November 17th 2013. I went and saw the fantastic Trans-Siberian-Orchestra. The performed at the very nice Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Out in front of the arena.
The show was entitled, Trans-Siberian-Orchestra: The Lost Christmas Eve. I arrived at the arena with my two aunts at around 2:30. The Show started at 3:00. I had time to rome around and see what was going on. When I got back to my seat my aunt had bought a program
The program
And she bought me a concert tee shirt.
The shirt.
The show started and let me tell you I was not disappointed. It was really fantastic. I recommend everyone go and see them live. The clash between rock music and classical music makes this a very entertaining program. The show started and it was a story. It was about a little girl who was lost without a family on the eve of this holiday. One quote stuck with me though. "Hope is not lost, it just goes to sleep and needs to be woken up." I will say the show had very unique and interesting light show, in that, there were all these crazy combinations of the colors of the lights that enhanced the show. The pyrotechnics did not disappoint either. For most of the songs that were performed they included fire. The fire was so intense that every down beat of the song, the fire had a quick burst of energy. That being said sitting near the back of the arena I felt the warmth of the fire when the burst of energy happened. I was and still am surprised that no one got hurt.

If you have not seen them yet, it is worth the money to go and watch them play for two and half hours. They did not take a break. They just kept playing. The intensity of the place was through the roof. And they did this twice. Once at three and again at seven. They are a hardcore band, and their music was fantastic. It was an extravagant day, and I would love to see them again.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Weekend Away With the Orange Men (6)

On Friday November 8th, school ended and it was time to leave for Syracuse, New York. It was planned that I would visit the campus of Syracuse University. My family and myself left Lowell at 3:00
Source:Me(Rourke Bridge)
pm and headed towards New York.

I ended up falling asleep for about two hours and when I woke up we were at the Lee Plaza and stopped for dinner. McDonalds was the only option. It was gross. Another two hours passed and the family car need gas. So we stopped at a rest stop in New York.

Soon after we came to our hotel in a town outside of Syracuse.
Source: Me
It was time to go to sleep for the night. Friday turned into Saturday and it was time to visit the campus of Syracuse University. We got there at 8:00 in the morning and the day began. We were greeted by a creepy looking Manor.
They day moved on and we were headed to lunch and I have to saw it was good for college food. After lunch and we looked around the university.



I even got my own sweatshirt.
Then we headed to what I was waiting for. A presentation of Visual Story Telling. Or in simple terms, animation. The professor showed us two clips. One a disney short film but the other was one of the first animations ever.
Cool fact about this movie, it took 10,000 hand drawn drawings and about six months to complete and it was done for a bet. After the movie, the professor brought up that the character, Gertie can be thought as a fun but mischievous dog. When it was all said and done we went to the NewHouse college. This is Syracuse's communications college, which I would like to go into. It was worth the three day trip up to New York. I had fun at the University. I would like to go here someday.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 5th (5)

Why is November 5th an important date? Well not only did I get to vote in my first election today.
But also I got the new Call of Duty for the PS3.
I was so excited, I knew it was going to be a good day. So I went to pick the game up after I voted. I got home and lost track of the time. I got home around 12:30 and before I knew it, it was 7:00 pm. now I am terrible at Call of Duty, but I kept playing. I just loved it so much, that I couldn't stop. And when my eyes could no longer take it, I had to stop for the night. Knowing that right now it is calling me, to play for another hour, but one hour turns into six and then i am tired for school. So better stop then than now.