Monday, January 27, 2014

The Saxophone Player and the Übermensch (13)

     While looking for a painting, I tried to incorporate what I love doing. I googled "saxophone paintings" and my search led me to this painting. Finding something that I love helps give me a better understanding of how I can analyze the piece. The Übermensch is a person that has reached their final stepin life and can deal with what life gives them. 
     In the painting depicted here, we can see the way the man's hat tips, thus covering his face. This shows he has found a solution to his problems and he does not want to be bothered while playing. The man is also hiding his face because he knows that playing the saxophone will not get everyone to the Übermensch.
     I can relate to this piece due to the fact that this is true for me. If I have problems, playing my saxophone can help ease my mind off the current situation. It would just be me and my saxophone, nothing between us, but the sweet music I make. We as humans can all reach Übermensch by doing what we love.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Truman Show and Philosophy (12)

The Truman Show, a television show about the only thing true on the show. The show's main character
(and the movie's) Truman Burbank. Now the creator of the show Christof says, that Truman is the only thing real about the show. He says we accept the reality with the world we are presented. Even if the world is fake. Christof says in an interview, nothing about this world is fake. I see that Truman is not really a "True man".  As we find out early on in the movie Truman has a thing for an extra. The extra's real name is Sylvia, but she is playing a person named Lauren. Truman develops a crush towards Lauren but per the order of Christof, Lauren is not allowed to speak to Truman, she is an extra. My beef with this that Christof said nothing on the show is fake. So why does the love between Truman and his wife Meryl have to be fake? Why didn't Christof let Truman love the girl he wanted to love. Christof did not let Truman be a "true man". Christof forced a relationship. If Truman were to really be a "True man", the show would have to let him live his life and find things out for himself. The show instituted all of these fake fears into him to keep him on the island. Truman Burbank was not a "true man", but in fact just as fake as everybody in the town he called "home."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

First Storm of 2014

As 2013 ended and the new year began, meteorologists began telling us of a new storm forming. That storm was big enough to keep us form going to school for two days.

That was one of the greatest calls I have gotten. No school and an extended vacation, who can complain.

Here is a nice picture of my driveway during this mess on the first day of the storm at

I can already see I will be doing a lot of shoveling by the end of the storm.
The street plows have just been pushing it further and further in to my yard.

Hey have come by three or four times in the half hour.

All I have to say is bring on the snow. I love the snow.
I want as many snow days as possible this year. Will not have to make them up. Com'on Mother Nature do me a solid.