Thursday, September 19, 2013

My 18th Birthday(1)

   Well, today is my 18th birthday and I feel pretty excited. My day was no different than yesterday, except I am one year older. My mom even got cake today.
                                                  Even though it is eaten it still says Happy Birthday Andrew! It is my favorite flavor Chocolate.
She also got me my favorite ice cream,
                My second favorite is Mint chocolate chip. All was good, but prior to my birthday, President Obama sent this tweet out to the world.

                                                    What does the president want me to do, call my senators, one who says present  and one who doesn't know what she is doing? Hi Mr. President I just turned 18, do you really think the two senators who don't do anything are actually going to listen to an 18 year old, who doesn't know how to vote( Although I am a democrat). The people of congress are forgetting that we as citizens don't work for them, they work for us. So yeah maybe a phone call will work, but again I'm 18, I am new to the market. I mean who cares, the right has tried to repal Obamacare 37 times. THEY ARE 0-37!!!!  Let them go for it again, it will only embarass them more. So again Mr. President I ask, what do you want me to do?  So a great way to enter into the political world is tell my represenatives, No, there is only three that represent me. It would make a big difference if they all could just talk it out, but that is not what the right will do, they want what they want and won't stop until they get it, I mean they have tried 37 times, so let them keep trying, they won't get anywhere. Not right, but left.


  1. The cake looks all sorts of delicious. I actually really love chocolate on cake because the moment when you taste it and it melts in your mouth is probably the best feeling ever.

  2. I love cake, especially eating it with icecream. The picture you included of the icecream looks really good, I'll have to try it sometime because it's chocolate flavored and I'm sort of addicted to chocolate.
