Monday, September 30, 2013

Here we go again!!!(2)

 Thank You, to Niki Tsongas who knows what she is doing down in Washington. She sent out this tweet on Saturday.


Although I think she may be wrong, that the GOP wants to shut it down. I also think she is partly right. She knows that Obamacare is a good idea for the nation, that  everyone should have the right to have basic health care. She is not looking at it from the  right point of view, yes the republicans want to stop this, but from our friends in the senate Mr. Markey  and Ms. Warren don't seem to care at all. Here are some quotes from their twitter feed.

Ed Markey- 
                "ICYMI: Ed to be chair of U.S. Senate Climate change Clearinghouse; continue work combatting dangers of global warming."

                        "Congrats @RedSox  on making postseason!"


The problem I have here is this is the guy we sent down to vote represent us, has ruined  our voice in DC, he voted present on the case of should we invade Syria? Present really!  What happens when something bigger is happening at home, are you going to vote present on this as well,  You cannot do that, it is more important that a yes or a no comes out of your mouth,  on this situation. Plus who writes in the third person, not this guy. It is weird that you did that. But at least you made a little attempt to show us that you care, your partner in crime on the other hand didn't seem to do that.

Elizabeth Warren-
                "Holly Petraeus (@CFPBMilitary), @nikiinthehouse, @coleynee, (@MASSDVS) & I met #vets & #milfam in Boston, Lowell today."


I am not even going to quote her next two tweets, they have nothing to do with the shutdown.

This saddens me when our own senators can't even put something out there in social media  concerning more about this shutdown that will effect everyone's life. So when people say "It is the republicans that is stopping this from happening."  It really is not, it is  everyone who is not putting enough effort to try and stop this. Markey and Warren are not putting enough effort,  they don't care it seems. And with Ed's past voting on something very serious, I expect the same for this problem, with the same answer. A "present” vote. That won't help us nor will it help Mr. Markey. Not right, but left.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My 18th Birthday(1)

   Well, today is my 18th birthday and I feel pretty excited. My day was no different than yesterday, except I am one year older. My mom even got cake today.
                                                  Even though it is eaten it still says Happy Birthday Andrew! It is my favorite flavor Chocolate.
She also got me my favorite ice cream,
                My second favorite is Mint chocolate chip. All was good, but prior to my birthday, President Obama sent this tweet out to the world.

                                                    What does the president want me to do, call my senators, one who says present  and one who doesn't know what she is doing? Hi Mr. President I just turned 18, do you really think the two senators who don't do anything are actually going to listen to an 18 year old, who doesn't know how to vote( Although I am a democrat). The people of congress are forgetting that we as citizens don't work for them, they work for us. So yeah maybe a phone call will work, but again I'm 18, I am new to the market. I mean who cares, the right has tried to repal Obamacare 37 times. THEY ARE 0-37!!!!  Let them go for it again, it will only embarass them more. So again Mr. President I ask, what do you want me to do?  So a great way to enter into the political world is tell my represenatives, No, there is only three that represent me. It would make a big difference if they all could just talk it out, but that is not what the right will do, they want what they want and won't stop until they get it, I mean they have tried 37 times, so let them keep trying, they won't get anywhere. Not right, but left.